Giles Baths


Giles Baths is located at the foot of the northern headland of Coogee Beach. It's a natural rock pool, known as the "Bogey hole" and was used by male bathers in the nineteenth century and continues…

Giles Baths is located at the foot of the northern headland of Coogee Beach. It's a natural rock pool, known as the "Bogey hole" and was used by male bathers in the nineteenth century and continues to be used today.

It's a popular swimming hole with young people and is a fun place to explore from Coogee Beach. You can access it from the Coastal Walkway in Dunningham Reserve, near where the Bali Memorial stands, or walk along the rocky foreshore north of Coogee Beach. The entry portico from the original "Giles Gym and Baths" remains.