The Bat & Ball Hotel


Classic pub fare with daily specials like $15 pasta and $20 steak
Natural wine on tap and a wide selection of wines to explore
Lively atmosphere with vinyl DJs, a pool room, and $16 cocktails


The Bat & Ball is a 90+-year-old, refurbished pub in Redfern. The revived (reopening in 2024) corner pub boasts a menu of pub classics plus natural wine on tap; daily specials including a $15 pasta…

The Bat & Ball is a 90+-year-old, refurbished pub in Redfern. The revived (reopening in 2024) corner pub boasts a menu of pub classics plus natural wine on tap; daily specials including a $15 pasta special, a Sunday roast $1 oysters and a $20 steak; local vinyl DJs and a vibey pool room. Go for the plethora of different wines available, stay for the ‘never-ending’ happy hour of $16 negronis and espresso martinis.

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