Ulan and Rachel - A Harmonious Fusion of Art and Nature

Thursday 17 October 2024 to Sunday 27 October 2024


Partners in art and life, Ulan Murray and Rachel Burns will exhibit a new collection of sculptures at Comber Street Studios. This exhibition invites audiences to explore the profound connections…

Partners in art and life, Ulan Murray and Rachel Burns will exhibit a new collection of sculptures at Comber Street Studios. This exhibition invites audiences to explore the profound connections between humanity and the natural world through their meticulously crafted sculptures.

Ulan and Rachel, together for over two decades, seamlessly blend their respective backgrounds in biology, horticulture and fine arts to create compelling and innovative works – a collaboration which represents a harmonious fusion of scientific inquiry and artistic expression.

Ulan Murray holds a degree in Biology and has a background in horticulture. His sculptural practice is deeply influenced by his fascination with biomorphic forms and the wonders of nature, resulting in works that reflect the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

Rachel Burns studied Fine Arts at the University of Sydney and later earned a Bachelor of Creative Arts with Honours from University of Wollongong. Her artistic repertoire includes sculpture, painting and printmaking, with a particular focus on landscapes. Rachel's extensive experience in the arts industry enriches her practice, enabling her to create works that are both thought-provoking and evocative.

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