EnQueer - Sydney Queer Writers' Festival

Friday 04 October 2024 to Saturday 05 October 2024


Australia’s only queer writers’ festival returns to bring its third literary event to the heart of Oxford Street. Be inspired, challenged and uplifted by an extraordinary weekend of stories,…

Australia’s only queer writers’ festival returns to bring its third literary event to the heart of Oxford Street.

Be inspired, challenged and uplifted by an extraordinary weekend of stories, creativity and debate, showcasing some of the finest queer and gender diverse writers in Australia.

Teaming up with Qtopia for its 2024 event, this years' EnQueer writers’ festival features diverse panels, poetry performances and professional and creative development opportunities, right in the heart of Darlinghurst.

Moving beyond discussions purely focused on labels of sexuality and gender identity, EnQueer aims to explore a truly diverse range of queer experiences. This years’ panels respond to some of key discussions of 2024: In 'Spoil sport' news broadcasting legend, Anton Enus will lead a conversation with First Nations writers about sport's tense relationship with race, gender and sexuality. Or join a captivating discussion between two authors in ‘Two Peas’ which will explore identity and belonging in two stories of gay protagonists journeying from Queensland to Sydney, 40 years apart.

Opening Night will feature a dynamic performance poetry session with some of Australia's most exciting and award-winning LGBTQIA+ poets. Or if you’re eager to hone your skills, don’t miss EnQueers’ creative writing or publishing workshops.

EnQueer has been hosting successful sold-out literary events since 2021, featuring some of Australia’s most celebrated queer writers, including Courtney Act and Benjamin Law.

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